2roblox Wiki

DocSlayingyoudown was here


  • Rescue.
  • President!

go inside the Subway and do stuff, the map is long by the way. (Information is low due to it being removed.)


  • Survival.
  • FFA!
  • Who?
  • Backup.
  • Resupply.
  • President!
  • Rescue.

The Complex is a very big map it has too many doors and other stuff, on some Gamemode (President!, Resupply, Backup) helicopter will come later on the top of the map.

Silos 20[]

  • Survival.
  • FFA!
  • Defend.
  • Infection.

Silos 20 is a big map and it is good for Survival and Infection and FFA!, in the Defend Gamemode, you must protect the Missile from being attack by zombies.


  • Payload.

Calamity is a map on Typical Colors 2, you must push the payload to destroy the Zomb-V plague.


  • Survival
  • Resupply.

Wholesale is a Counterblox Map.